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Sitene sade bir kronometre

Kullanımı basit ve 3 buton'da oluşuyor fazla yer kaplamıyor siteniz için uygun olabilir.Denemenizi tavsiye ederim.
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
            // please keep these lines on when you copy the source
            // made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.comvar timerID = 0;
            var tStart = null;function UpdateTimer() { if(timerID) {
            clearTimeout(timerID); clockID = 0; } if(!tStart)
            tStart = new Date(); var tDate = new Date();
            var tDiff = tDate.getTime() - tStart.getTime(); tDate.setTime(tDiff);
            document.theTimer.theTime.value = ""
            + tDate.getMinutes() + ":"
            + tDate.getSeconds();
            timerID = setTimeout("UpdateTimer()", 1000);}function Start() {
            tStart = new Date(); document.theTimer.theTime.value = "00:00";
            timerID = setTimeout("UpdateTimer()", 1000);}function Stop() {
            if(timerID) { clearTimeout(timerID); timerID = 0; }
            tStart = null;}function Reset() { tStart = null;
            document.theTimer.theTime.value = "00:00";}//--></script>
            <body onload="Reset()" onunload="Stop()"><center><form name="theTimer"><table>
            <tr> <td colspan=3 align=center>
            <input type=text name="theTime" size=5> </td> </tr>
            <tr><td></td></tr> <tr> <td>
            <input type=button name="start" value="Start" onclick="Start()">
            </td> <td>
            <input type=button name="stop" value="Stop" onclick="Stop()">
            </td> <td>
            <input type=button name="reset" value="Reset" onclick="Reset()">
            </td> </tr></table></form></center>

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